[ Module Hierarchy
| Class Hierarchy ]
Class Hierarchy
- urllib2.BaseHandler
- urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler
- twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol:
This is the abstract superclass of all protocols.
- twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol:
Base process protocol implementation which does simple dispatching
for stdin, stdout, and stderr file descriptors.
- gavo.svcs.runner.StdioProtocol:
is a simple program protocol that writes input to the process and
sends the output to the deferred result in one swoop when done.
- gavo.base.caches.CacheRegistry:
is a registry for caches kept to be able to clear them.
- twisted.python.components.Componentized:
I am a mixin to allow you to be adapted in various ways
- nevow.testutil.FakeRequest:
Implementation of
is convenient to use in unit tests.
- nevow.testutil.AccumulatingFakeRequest:
I am a fake IRequest that is also a stub implementation of
- nevow.appserver.NevowRequest:
A Request subclass which does additional processing if a form was
- twisted.web.server.Request:
An HTTP request.
- nevow.appserver.NevowRequest:
A Request subclass which does additional processing if a form was
- nevow.rend.ConfigurableFactory:
Locates configurables by looking for methods that start with
configurable_ and end with the name of the configurable.
- nevow.rend.Page:
A page is the main Nevow resource and renders a document loaded via
the document factory (docFactory).
- xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler:
Interface for receiving logical document content events.
- gavo.registry.model.DC:
is a container for classes modelling elements from Dublin Core.
- nevow.rend.FreeformChildMixin:
Mixin that handles locateChild for freeform segments.
- nevow.rend.ChildLookupMixin
- nevow.rend.Page:
A page is the main Nevow resource and renders a document loaded via
the document factory (docFactory).
- zope.interface.Interface
- twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable:
Inherit from me to Jelly yourself directly with the `getStateFor'
convenience method.
- twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable:
An object that can be passed remotely.
- twisted.spread.flavors.Copyable:
Subclass me to get copied each time you are returned from or passed
to a remote method.
- twisted.web.server.Request:
An HTTP request.
- nevow.appserver.NevowRequest:
A Request subclass which does additional processing if a form was
- gavo.user.rdmanipulator.NROWS:
a singleton sentinel to communicate nrows in tableTriggers.
- gavo.registry.model.OAIDC:
is a container for OAI's Dublin Core metadata model.
- gavo.utils.fitstools.PlainHeaderManipulator:
A class that allows header manipulation of fits files without
having to touch the data.
- gavo.registry.model.RI:
is a container for classes modelling elements from IVOA Registry
- twisted.web.http.Request:
A HTTP request.
- twisted.web.server.Request:
An HTTP request.
- nevow.appserver.NevowRequest:
A Request subclass which does additional processing if a form was
- twisted.web.resource.Resource:
Define a web-accessible resource.
- twisted.web.soap.SOAPPublisher:
Publish SOAP methods.
- gavo.registry.model.VOG:
is a container for classes modelling elements from VO Registry.
- gavo.registry.model.VOR:
is a container for classes modelling elements from VO Resource.
- gavo.registry.model.VS:
A container for classes modelling elements from VODataService 1.1.
- object:
The most base type
- gavo.stc.stcs.AComputedDefault:
A sentinel for computed default values.
- gavo.web.vosi.AVL:
The container for elements from the VOSI availability schema.
- gavo.adql.common.Absent:
is a sentinel to pass as default to nodes.getChildOfType.
- psycopg2.pool.AbstractConnectionPool:
Generic key-based pooling code.
- psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool:
A connection pool that works with the threading module.
- gavo.base.cron.AbstractJob:
A job run in a queue.
- gavo.base.activetags.ActiveTag:
A mixin for active tags.
- gavo.imp.formal.form.AddHelperMixin:
A mixin that provides methods for common uses of add(...).
- gavo.imp.formal.form.Group
- gavo.utils.serializers.AnnotatedColumn:
A collection of annotations for a column.
- gavo.dm.common.AnnotationBase:
A base class for of structs.
- gavo.adql.annotations.AnnotationContext:
An context object for the annotation process.
- gavo.user.info.AnnotationMaker:
A class for producing column annotations.
- gavo.utils.ostricks.Arg:
an argument/option to a subcommand.
- gavo.base.attrdef.AttributeDef:
is the base class for all attribute definitions.
- gavo.utils.autonode.AutoNode:
An AutoNode.
- gavo.adql.nodes.ADQLNode:
A node within an ADQL parse tree.
- gavo.stc.common.ASTNode:
The base class for all nodes in STC ASTs.
- gavo.stc.dm.CoordSys:
is an astronomical coordinate system.
- gavo.stc.stcxast.IdProxy:
A stand-in for a coordinate system during parsing.
- gavo.stc.dm.RefPos:
is a reference position.
- gavo.stc.dm.STCSpec:
is an STC specification, i.e., the root of an STC tree.
- gavo.stc.dm._CoordFrame:
is an astronomical coordinate frame.
- gavo.stc.dm._CoordinateLike:
An abstract base for everything that has a frame.
- gavo.stc.dm._Coordinate:
An abstract base for coordinates.
- gavo.stc.dm._CoordinateInterval
- gavo.stc.dm._Geometry:
A base class for all kinds of geometries.
- gavo.stc.dm._WiggleSpec:
A base for "wiggle" specifications.
- gavo.formats.votableread.AutoQuotedNameMaker:
A name maker for makeTableDefForVOTable quoting names as necessary.
- gavo.adql.nodes.BOMB_OUT
- exceptions.BaseException:
Common base class for all exceptions
- exceptions.Exception:
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
- gavo.protocols.uws.BaseUWSJob:
An abstract UWS job.
- gavo.base.coords.Box:
is a 2D box.
- gavo.web.vosi.CAP:
The container for element from the VOSI capabilities schema.
- gavo.grammars.directgrammar.CBooster:
is a wrapper for an import booster written in C using the DC
booster infrastructure.
- gavo.helpers.copying.CDHandler:
A wrapper for mounting and ejecting CDs.
- gavo.web.caching.CacheItemBuilder:
an aggregator for web pages as they are written.
- gavo.rscdesc.CachedException:
An exception that occurred while parsing an RD.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.CachedGetter:
A cache for a callable.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.CachedResource:
is like CachedGetter but with a built-in getter.
- gavo.protocols.oaiclient.CanonicalPrefixes:
a self-persisting dictionary of the prefixes we use in our OAI
- gavo.registry.capabilities.CapabilityMaker:
An encapsulation of capability construction.
- gavo.helpers.testhelpers.CatchallUI:
A replacement for base.ui, collecting the messages being sent.
- gavo.imp.formal.widget.ChoiceBase:
A base class for widgets that provide the UI to select one or more items
from a list.
- gavo.imp.formal.widget.SelectChoice:
A drop-down list of options.
- gavo.adql.fieldinfo.Coercions:
A tree of types that can be used to infer common types.
- gavo.rsc.table.ColumnStat:
Column statistics as exposed by Limits.
- gavo.web.common.CommonRenderers:
A base for renderer (python) mixins within the DC.
- gavo.base.attrdef.Computed:
A sentinel class for computed (property) defaults.
- gavo.utils.fancyconfig.ConfigItem:
A description of a configuration item including methods to parse
and unparse them.
- nevow.rend.ConfigurableMixin:
A sane
implementation for
and Page
- gavo.utils.fancyconfig.Configuration:
A collection of config Sections and provides an interface to access
them and their items.
- gavo.stc.stcxgen.Context:
is a generation context.
- gavo.stc.stcxast.ContextActions:
A specification of context actions for certain elements.
- gavo.adql.nodes.CoosysMixin:
is a mixin that works cooSys into FieldInfos for ADQL geometries.
- gavo.web.grend.CustomTemplateMixin:
a mixin providing for customized templates.
- gavo.svcs.customwidgets.DBOptions:
A widget that offers limit and sort options for db based cores.
- gavo.web.weberrors.DCExceptionHandler:
The toplevel exception handler.
- gavo.rsc.data.DDDependencyGraph:
a graph giving the dependency structure between DDs.
- gavo.registry.model.DOC:
A container for elements from DocRegExt.
- gavo.utils.stanxml.DOMMorpher:
An object encapsulating the process of turning a stanxml.Element
tree into an ElementTree.
- gavo.user.initdachs.DSN:
a psycopg-style DSN, both parsed and unparsed.
- nevow.rend.DataFactory
- gavo.votable.tableparser.DataIterator:
A base for the classes actually doing the iteration.
- gavo.protocols.soda.DatalinkFault:
A datalink error ("fault", as it's called in the spec).
- gavo.registry.common.DateUpdatedMixin:
A mixin providing computers for dateUpdated and datetimeUpdated.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.DeferredImport:
A trivial deferred module loader.
- gavo.utils.stanxml.Element:
An element for serialization into XML.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.EqualingRE:
A value that compares equal based on RE matches.
- gavo.stc.eq.EquivalenceCondition:
A base class for EquivalencePolicy elements.
- gavo.stc.eq.EquivalencePolicy:
A policy specifying when two STC system objects are considered
- gavo.utils.plainxml.ErrorPosition:
A wrapper for an error position.
- gavo.base.events.EventDispatcher:
is the central event dispatcher.
- gavo.base.xmlstruct.EventProcessor:
A dispatcher for parse events to structures.
- gavo.base.macros.ExpansionDelegator:
A mixin to make a class expand macros by delegating everything to
its parent.
- gavo.rsc.common.FLUSH:
A sentinel that grammars can yield to flush out records to the
- gavo.formats.common.FORMATS_REGISTRY:
a registry for data formats that can be produced by DaCHS.
- gavo.helpers.testhelpers.FakeContext:
A scaffolding class for testing renderers.
- gavo.helpers.trialhelpers.FakeFieldStorage
- gavo.helpers.testhelpers.FakeSimbad:
we monkeypatch simbadinterface such that we don't query simbad
during tests.
- gavo.adql.fieldinfo.FieldInfo:
is a container for meta information on columns.
- gavo.adql.common.FieldInfoGetter:
An abstract method to retrieve table metadata.
- gavo.adql.fieldinfos.FieldInfos:
A base class for field annotations.
- gavo.helpers.processing.FileProcessor:
An abstract base for a source file processor.
- gavo.helpers.filestuff.FileRenamer:
is a name mapper for file rename operations and the like.
- gavo.grammars.common.FileRowAttributes:
A mixin for grammars with FileRowIterators.
- gavo.grammars.common.FilteredInputFile:
a pseudo-file that allows piping data thorugh a shell command.
- logging.Filterer:
A base class for loggers and handlers which allows them to share
common code.
- logging.Handler:
Handler instances dispatch logging events to specific destinations.
- logging.StreamHandler:
A handler class which writes logging records, appropriately
formatted, to a stream.
- logging.FileHandler:
A handler class which writes formatted logging records to disk
- logging.handlers.BaseRotatingHandler:
Base class for handlers that rotate log files at a certain point.
- logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler:
Handler for logging to a set of files, which switches from one file
to the next when the current file reaches a certain size.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.FloatableAdapter:
An adapter for things that do "float", in particular
- gavo.utils.typeconversions.FromSQLConverter:
is an abstract base class for type converters from the SQL type
- gavo.utils.typeconversions.FromVOTableConverter
- gavo.stc.bboxes.GCSegment:
A great circle segment on a sphere.
- gavo.stc.stcsast.GenericContext:
is an object that can be used for context.
- gavo.stc.tapstc.GeomExpr:
a sentinel object to be processed by morphers.
- gavo.base.activetags.GhostMixin:
A mixin to make a Structure ghostly.
- gavo.imp.formal.form.Group
- gavo.rscdef.executing.GuardedFunctionFactory:
a class for making functions safe for cron-like executions.
- gavo.web.grend.HTMLResultRenderMixin:
is a mixin with render functions for HTML tables and associated
metadata within other pages.
- gavo.web.htmltable.HeadCellsMixin:
A mixin providing renders for table headings.
- gavo.votable.votparse.IGNORE:
this is a sentinel element used when an element is not known but
robust parsing is requested.
- gavo.rscdef.common.IVOMetaMixin:
A mixin for resources aspiring to have IVO ids.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.IdManagerMixin:
A mixin for objects requiring unique IDs.
- gavo.utils.algotricks.IndexedGraph:
is a graph that is indexed by both incoming and outgoing edges.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.IntableAdapter:
An adapter for things that do "int", in particular
- gavo.registry.capabilities.InterfaceMaker:
An encapsulation of interface construction.
- gavo.svcs.customwidgets.Interval:
A widget to enter an interval (lower/upper) pair of something.
- gavo.user.info.Interval:
an interval class.
- gavo.protocols.uwsactions.JobAction:
an action done to a job.
- gavo.protocols.uwsactions.JobActions:
A collection of "actions" performed on UWS jobs.
- gavo.protocols.uws.JobParameter:
A UWS job parameter.
- gavo.user.docgen.KnownMacros:
An accumulator for all macros known to the various DaCHS objects.
- gavo.protocols.datalink.LinkDef:
A definition of a datalink related document.
- gavo.protocols.tap.LocalFile:
A sentinel class representing a file within a job work directory
(as resulting from an upload).
- gavo.votable.tapquery.LocalResult
- gavo.user.docgen.MacroDoc:
documentation for a macro, including the objects that know about
- gavo.base.macros.MacroExpander:
is a generic "macro" expander for scripts of all kinds.
- nevow.rend.MacroFactory
- gavo.base.macros.MacroPackage:
is a function dispatcher for MacroExpander.
- gavo.user.rdmanipulator.Manipulator:
a base class for processXML manipulators.
- gavo.utils.mathtricks.Matrix3:
A quick and easy 3d matrix.
- gavo.base.metavalidation.MetaAssertion:
An assertion about the meta content of an object.
- gavo.base.meta.MetaBuilder:
A base class for meta builders.
- gavo.base.meta.MetaItem:
is a collection of homogenous MetaValues.
- gavo.base.meta.MetaMixin:
is a mixin for entities carrying meta information.
- gavo.rsc.metatable.MetaTableHandler:
an interface to DaCHS meta tables.
- gavo.rsc.dbtable.MetaTableMixin:
is a mixin providing methods updating the dc_tables.
- gavo.base.metavalidation.MetaValidator:
A metadata model that can verify objects of compliance.
- gavo.dm.vodml.Model:
a vo-dml model.
- gavo.base.meta.ModelBasedBuilder:
is a meta builder that can create stan-like structures from meta
- gavo.adql.morphhelpers.Morpher:
A class managing the process of morphing an ADQL expression.
- gavo.utils.stanxml.NSRegistry:
A container for a registry of namespace prefixes to namespaces.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.NULLAdapter:
An adapter for things that should end up as NULL in the DB.
- gavo.votable.common.NULLFlags:
an interface to the BINARY2 NULL flags.
- gavo.utils.texttricks.NameMap:
is a name mapper fed from a simple text file.
- gavo.user.rdmanipulator.NewElement:
an element to be inserted into a parsed xml tree.
- gavo.utils.stanxml.NillableMixin:
An Element mixin making the element XSD nillable.
- gavo.base.common.NotGiven:
A sentinel class for defaultless values that can remain undefined.
- gavo.utils.misctricks.NotInstalledModuleStub:
A stub that raises some more or less descriptive error on attribute
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.NullConnection:
A standin to pass whereever a function wants a connection but
doesn't actually need one in a particular situation.
- gavo.utils.codetricks.NullObject:
A Null object, i.e.
- gavo.registry.model.OAI:
is a container for classes modelling OAI elements.
- gavo.protocols.oaiclient.OAIErrorMixin
- gavo.protocols.oaiclient.OAIQuery:
A container for queries to OAI interfaces.
- gavo.protocols.simbadinterface.ObjectCache
- gavo.base.observer.ObserverBase:
is a base class for observers.
- gavo.rscdef.column.OldRoles:
A sentinel class for Table to signal non-adapted DM roles on a column
or param.
- gavo.web.serviceresults.OutputFormat:
A widget that offers various output options in close cooperation
with gavo.js and QueryMeta.
- gavo.svcs.pql.PQLPar:
a representation for PQL expressions.
- gavo.svcs.pql.PQLRange:
a representation of a PQL range.
- gavo.rsc.common.ParamMixin:
A mixin providing param processing.
- gavo.protocols.uws.ParameterRef:
A UWS parameter.that is (in effect) a URL.
- gavo.user.docgen.ParentPlaceholder:
is a sentinel left in the proto documentation, to be replaced by
docs on the element parents found while processing.
- gavo.base.parsecontext.ParseContext:
is a scratchpad for any kind of data parsers want to pass to feed
- gavo.svcs.vizierexprs.ParseNode:
is a parse node, consisting of an operator and children.
- gavo.rsc.common.ParseOptions:
see `function getParseOptions`_ .
- gavo.base.common.Parser:
is an object that routes events.
- gavo.base.meta.MetaParser:
A structure parser that kicks in when meta information is parsed
from XML.
- gavo.base.structure.ParseableStructure:
is a base class for Structures parseable from EventProcessors (and
thus XML).
- gavo.base.structure.Structure:
is the base class for user-defined structures.
- gavo.grammars.binarygrammar.BinaryRecordDef:
A definition of a binary record.
- gavo.rscdef.column.ColumnBase:
A base class for columns, parameters, output fields, etc.
- gavo.svcs.standardcores.CondDesc:
A query specification for cores talking to the database.
- gavo.svcs.core.Core:
A definition of the "active" part of a service.
- gavo.rscdef.coverage.Coverage:
The coverage of a resource.
- gavo.svcs.service.CustomPageFunction:
An abstract base for nevow.rend.Page-related functions on services.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.DBIndex:
A description of an index in the database.
- gavo.base.config.DBProfile:
is a profile for DB access.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.DataDescriptor:
A description of how to process data from a given set of sources.
- gavo.dm.dmrd.DataModelRoles:
an annotation of a table in terms of data models.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.DataURL:
A source document for a regression test.
- gavo.base.activetags.Defaults:
Defaults for macros.
- gavo.grammars.directgrammar.DirectGrammar:
A user-defined external grammar.
- gavo.base.activetags.EmbeddedStream:
An event stream as a child of another element.
- gavo.rscdef.executing.Execute:
a container for calling code.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.ForeignKey:
A description of a foreign key relation between this table and
another one.
- gavo.grammars.common.Grammar:
An abstract grammar.
- gavo.rscdef.group.Group:
A group is a collection of columns, parameters and other groups
with a dash of metadata.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.IgnoreSpec:
A specification of sources to ignore.
- gavo.svcs.inputdef.InputTD:
an input for a core.
- gavo.base.macros.MacDef:
A macro definition within an RD.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.Make:
A build recipe for tables belonging to a data descriptor.
- gavo.grammars.common.MapKeys:
Mapping of names, specified in long or short forms.
- gavo.rscdef.rmkdef.MappedExpression:
a base class for map and var.
- gavo.registry.nonservice.NonServiceResource:
A base class for resources that are not services.
- gavo.rscdef.column.Option:
A value for enumerated columns.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.ProcDef:
An embedded procedure.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.ProcSetup:
Prescriptions for setting up a namespace for a procedure
- gavo.base.activetags.Prune:
An active tag that lets you selectively delete children of the
current object.
- gavo.svcs.service.Publication:
A specification of how a service should be published.
- gavo.rscdesc.RD:
A resource descriptor.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.RDParameter:
A base class for parameters.
- gavo.base.activetags.RecordingBase:
An "abstract base" for active tags doing event recording.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.RegTestSuite:
A suite of regression tests.
- gavo.rscdef.common.Registration:
A request for registration of a data or table item.
- gavo.base.activetags.ReplayBase:
An "abstract base" for active tags replaying streams.
- gavo.rscdef.rmkdef.RowmakerDef:
A definition of the mapping between grammar input and finished rows
ready for shipout.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.STCDef:
A definition of a space-time coordinate system using STC-S.
- gavo.rscdef.scripting.Script:
A script, i.e., some executable item within a resource descriptor.
- gavo.svcs.service.Service:
A service definition.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.SourceSpec:
A Specification of a data descriptor's inputs.
- gavo.dm.dmrd.SynthesizedRoles:
DM annotation copied and adapted to a new table.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.TableDef:
A definition of a table, both on-disk and internal.
- gavo.rscdef.rowtriggers.TriggerBase:
A trigger, i.e., a boolean construct.
- gavo.rscdef.group.TypedReference:
A base class for references to columns and parameters.
- gavo.rscdef.coverage.Updater:
Information on where and how to update a piece of coverage
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.Upload:
An upload going with a URL.
- gavo.rscdef.column.Values:
Information on a column's values, in particular its domain.
- pyparsing.ParserElement:
Abstract base level parser element class.
- pyparsing.ParseExpression:
Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and
post-processing parsed tokens.
- pyparsing.Token:
subclass, for defining atomic
matching patterns.
- pyparsing.Word:
Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets.
- gavo.utils.pgsphere.PgSAdapter:
A base class for objects adapting pgSphere objects.
- gavo.adql.morphpg.PgSphereCode:
A node that contains serialized pgsphere expressions plus a
coordinate system id for cases in which we must conform.
- gavo.protocols.tap.Plan:
A container for the XML namespace for query plans.
- subprocess.Popen:
Execute a child program in a new process.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.PostgresQueryMixin:
is a mixin containing various useful queries that are postgres
- gavo.protocols.products.PreviewCacheManager:
is a class that manages the preview cache.
- gavo.rscdef.common.PrivilegesMixin:
A mixin for structures declaring access to database objects
(tables, schemas).
- gavo.protocols.products.ProductBase:
A base class for products returned by the product core.
- gavo.protocols.datalink.ProductDescriptor:
An encapsulation of information about some "product"
(i.e., file).
- gavo.web.producttar.ProductTarMaker:
A factory for tar files.
- gavo.base.config.ProfileParser:
is a parser for DB profiles.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.PublishableDataMixin:
A mixin with a few classes and attributes for data that can be
published to the VO registry.
- gavo.helpers.testtricks.QNamer:
A hack that generates QNames through getattr.
- gavo.base.cron.Queue:
A cron-job queue.
- gavo.utils.misctricks.QuotedName:
A string-like thing basically representing SQL delimited
- gavo.formats.votableread.QuotedNameMaker:
A name maker for makeTableDefForVOTable implementing TAP's
- gavo.protocols.products.RAccref:
A product key including possible modifiers.
- gavo.utils.misctricks.RSTExtensions:
a register for local RST extensions.
- gavo.user.docgen.RSTFragment:
is a collection of convenience methods for generation of RST.
- psycopg2._range.Range:
Python representation for a PostgreSQL |range|_ type.
- gavo.web.metarender.RendExplainer:
is a container for various functions having to do with explaining
renderers on services.
- nevow.rend.RenderFactory
- lxml.etree.Resolver:
This is the base class of all resolvers.
- gavo.helpers.testhelpers.ResourceInstance:
A helper class for TestResource.
- gavo.registry.builders.ResourceMaker:
A base class for the generation of VOResource elements.
- gavo.imp.formal.form.ResourceMixin
- gavo.base.structure.RestrictionMixin:
A mixin for structure classes not allowed in untrusted RDs.
- gavo.grammars.common.RowIterator:
An object that encapsulates the a source being parsed by a grammar.
- gavo.rscdef.rmkdef.Rowmaker:
A callable that arranges for the mapping of key/value pairs to
other key/value pairs.
- gavo.votable.tableparser.Rows:
a wrapper for data within a VOTable.
- gavo.registry.model.SCS:
A container for elements describing Simple Cone Search services.
- gavo.registry.model.SIA:
A container for classes modelling elements for describing simple
image access services.
- gavo.stc.stcxast.SIBLING_ASTRO_SYSTEM:
A sentinel class to tell the id resolver to use the sibling
AstroCoordSys element.
- gavo.registry.model.SLAP:
A container for the elements of the SSA registry extension.
- gavo.web.wsdl.SOAP
- gavo.registry.model.SSAP:
A container for the elements of the SSA registry extension.
- gavo.stc.stcx.STC:
is a container for classes modelling STC elements.
- gavo.stc.stcxast.STCXContext:
A parse context containing handlers, stacks, etc.
- gavo.stc.sphermath.SVConverter:
A container for the conversion from spherical coordinates to
- gavo.rscdef.scripting.ScriptRunner:
An object encapsulating the preparation and execution of scripts.
- gavo.rscdef.scripting.ScriptingMixin:
A mixin that gives objects a getRunner method and a script
- gavo.utils.fancyconfig.Section:
A section within the configuration.
- gavo.protocols.oaiclient.ServerProperties:
A container for what an OAI-PMH server gives in response to
- gavo.web.serviceresults.ServiceResult:
A base class for objects producing formatted output.
- gavo.protocols.simbadinterface.Sesame:
is a simple interface to the simbad name resolver.
- gavo.stc.conform.SphercLoader:
A hack to delay loading of spherc.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.SqlArrayAdapter:
An adapter that formats python lists as SQL arrays
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.SqlSetAdapter:
is an adapter that formats python sequences as SQL sets.
- gavo.helpers.testhelpers.StandIn:
A class having the attributes passed as kwargs to the constructor.
- gavo.base.sqlsupport.StandardQueryMixin:
is a mixin containing various useful queries that should work
agains all SQL systems.
- gavo.adql.morphhelpers.State:
is a scratchpad for morphers to communicate state among themselves.
- gavo.utils.misctricks.StreamBuffer:
a buffer that takes data in arbitrary chunks and returns them in
chops of chunkSize bytes.
- gavo.user.docgen.StructDocMaker:
A class encapsulating generation of documentation from structs.
- gavo.base.common.StructParseDebugMixin:
put this before Parser in the parent class list of a struct, and
you'll see the events coming in to your parser.
- gavo.base.structure.StructureBase:
is a base class for all structures.
- gavo.base.structure.ParseableStructure:
is a base class for Structures parseable from EventProcessors (and
thus XML).
- gavo.base.structure.Structure:
is the base class for user-defined structures.
- gavo.grammars.binarygrammar.BinaryRecordDef:
A definition of a binary record.
- gavo.rscdef.column.ColumnBase:
A base class for columns, parameters, output fields, etc.
- gavo.svcs.standardcores.CondDesc:
A query specification for cores talking to the database.
- gavo.svcs.core.Core:
A definition of the "active" part of a service.
- gavo.rscdef.coverage.Coverage:
The coverage of a resource.
- gavo.svcs.service.CustomPageFunction:
An abstract base for nevow.rend.Page-related functions on services.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.DBIndex:
A description of an index in the database.
- gavo.base.config.DBProfile:
is a profile for DB access.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.DataDescriptor:
A description of how to process data from a given set of sources.
- gavo.dm.dmrd.DataModelRoles:
an annotation of a table in terms of data models.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.DataURL:
A source document for a regression test.
- gavo.base.activetags.Defaults:
Defaults for macros.
- gavo.grammars.directgrammar.DirectGrammar:
A user-defined external grammar.
- gavo.base.activetags.EmbeddedStream:
An event stream as a child of another element.
- gavo.rscdef.executing.Execute:
a container for calling code.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.ForeignKey:
A description of a foreign key relation between this table and
another one.
- gavo.grammars.common.Grammar:
An abstract grammar.
- gavo.rscdef.group.Group:
A group is a collection of columns, parameters and other groups
with a dash of metadata.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.IgnoreSpec:
A specification of sources to ignore.
- gavo.svcs.inputdef.InputTD:
an input for a core.
- gavo.base.macros.MacDef:
A macro definition within an RD.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.Make:
A build recipe for tables belonging to a data descriptor.
- gavo.grammars.common.MapKeys:
Mapping of names, specified in long or short forms.
- gavo.rscdef.rmkdef.MappedExpression:
a base class for map and var.
- gavo.registry.nonservice.NonServiceResource:
A base class for resources that are not services.
- gavo.rscdef.column.Option:
A value for enumerated columns.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.ProcDef:
An embedded procedure.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.ProcSetup:
Prescriptions for setting up a namespace for a procedure
- gavo.base.activetags.Prune:
An active tag that lets you selectively delete children of the
current object.
- gavo.svcs.service.Publication:
A specification of how a service should be published.
- gavo.rscdesc.RD:
A resource descriptor.
- gavo.rscdef.procdef.RDParameter:
A base class for parameters.
- gavo.base.activetags.RecordingBase:
An "abstract base" for active tags doing event recording.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.RegTestSuite:
A suite of regression tests.
- gavo.rscdef.common.Registration:
A request for registration of a data or table item.
- gavo.base.activetags.ReplayBase:
An "abstract base" for active tags replaying streams.
- gavo.rscdef.rmkdef.RowmakerDef:
A definition of the mapping between grammar input and finished rows
ready for shipout.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.STCDef:
A definition of a space-time coordinate system using STC-S.
- gavo.rscdef.scripting.Script:
A script, i.e., some executable item within a resource descriptor.
- gavo.svcs.service.Service:
A service definition.
- gavo.rscdef.dddef.SourceSpec:
A Specification of a data descriptor's inputs.
- gavo.dm.dmrd.SynthesizedRoles:
DM annotation copied and adapted to a new table.
- gavo.rscdef.tabledef.TableDef:
A definition of a table, both on-disk and internal.
- gavo.rscdef.rowtriggers.TriggerBase:
A trigger, i.e., a boolean construct.
- gavo.rscdef.group.TypedReference:
A base class for references to columns and parameters.
- gavo.rscdef.coverage.Updater:
Information on where and how to update a piece of coverage
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.Upload:
An upload going with a URL.
- gavo.rscdef.column.Values:
Information on a column's values, in particular its domain.
- gavo.utils.stanxml.Stub:
A sentinel class for embedding objects not yet existing into
stanxml trees.
- gavo.protocols.adqlglue.TDContext:
An object keeping track of the generation of a table definition for
ADQL output.
- gavo.registry.model.TR:
A container for elements describing TAP services.
- gavo.votable.simple.TableMetadata:
Metadata for a VOTable table instance, i.e., column definitions,
groups, etc.
- unittest.case.TestCase:
A class whose instances are single test cases.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.RegTest:
A regression test.
- testresources.ResourcedTestCase:
A TestCase parent or utility that enables cross-test resource usage.
- twisted.trial._synctest._Assertions:
Replaces many of the built-in TestCase assertions.
- twisted.trial._synctest.SynchronousTestCase:
A unit test.
- twisted.trial._asynctest.TestCase:
A unit test.
- testresources.TestResourceManager:
A manager for resources that can be shared across tests.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.TestRunner:
A runner for regression tests.
- gavo.rscdef.regtest.TestStatistics:
A statistics gatherer/reporter for the regression tests.
- gavo.user.validation.TestsCollector:
a singleton that collects use cases to run.
- gavo.imp.formal.widget.TextArea:
A large text entry area that accepts newline characters.
- gavo.imp.formal.widget.TextInput:
A text input field.
- gavo.svcs.customwidgets.ToFormalAdapter
- gavo.adql.nodes.TransparentMixin:
a mixin just pulling through the children and serializing them.
- gavo.imp.formal.types.Type
- gavo.protocols.dali.URLUpload:
a somewhat FieldStorage-compatible facade to an upload coming from
a URL.
- gavo.protocols.uws.UWS:
a facade for a universal worker service (UWS).
- gavo.protocols.uwsactions.UWS:
the container for elements from the uws namespace.
- gavo.web.asyncrender.UWSErrorMixin
- gavo.votable.tapquery.UWSResult:
a container type for a result returned by an UWS service.
- gavo.protocols.uws.UWSTransitions:
An abstract base for classes defining the behaviour of a UWS.
- gavo.utils.misctricks.Undefined:
a sentinel for all kinds of undefined values.
- gavo.web.producttar.UniqueNameGenerator:
A factory to build unique names from possibly ambiguous ones.
- gavo.user.upgrade.Upgrader:
A specification to upgrade from some schema version to another
schema version.
- gavo.stc.utypegen.UtypeMaker:
An object encapsulating information on how to turn a stanxml node
into a sequence of utype/value pairs.
- gavo.stc.utypegen._CoordFrameMaker
- gavo.stc.utypegen._TimeValueMaker
- gavo.base.valuemappers.VOTNameMaker:
A class for generating db-unique names from VOTable fields.
- gavo.registry.model.VSTD:
A container for elements from StandardsRegExt.
- gavo.web.vosi.VTM:
The container for element from the VOSI tableset schema.
- gavo.utils.serializers.ValueMapperFactoryRegistry:
An object clients can ask for functions fixing up values
for encoding.
- gavo.base.coords.Vector3:
is a 3d vector that responds to both .x...
- gavo.utils.fitstools.WCSAxis:
represents a single 1D WCS axis and allows easy metadata discovery.
- gavo.stc.geo.WGS84:
the WGS84 reference system.
- gavo.web.wsdl.WSDL:
is a container for elements from the wsdl 1.1 schema.
- gavo.web.wsdl.XSD:
is a container for elements from XML schema.
- gavo.helpers.testtricks.XSDTestMixin:
provides a assertValidates method doing XSD validation.
- twisted.trial._synctest._Assertions:
Replaces many of the built-in TestCase assertions.
- twisted.trial._synctest.SynchronousTestCase:
A unit test.
- twisted.trial._asynctest.TestCase:
A unit test.
- argparse._AttributeHolder:
Abstract base class that provides __repr__.
- argparse.Action:
Information about how to convert command line strings to Python
- gavo.grammars.directgrammar._CodeGenerator:
a base class for code generators.
- gavo.utils.codetricks._Comparer
- gavo.stc.dm._CooTypeSentinel:
is a base for type indicators.
- gavo.base.unitconv._Node:
the abstract base for a node in a Unit tree.
- gavo.stc.dm._OneDMixin:
provides attributes for 1D-Coordinates (Time, Spectral, Redshift)
- gavo.stc.dm._RedshiftMixin:
provides attributes for redshifts.
- gavo.registry.model._ResourceNameMixin
- gavo.stc.dm._SpatialMixin:
provides attributes for positional coordinates.
- gavo.votable.model._VODMLElements:
extra VODML element, slated for VOTable 1.4.
- gavo.stc.dm._VelocityMixin:
provides attributes for velocities.
- threading._Verbose
- threading.Thread:
A class that represents a thread of control.
- gavo.votable.tapquery._WithEndpoint:
A helper class for classes constructed with an ADQL endpoint.
- gavo.dm.common._WithMapCopyMixin:
A mixin furnishing a class with a copyWithAnnotationMap method.
- gavo.dm.common.CollectionAnnotation:
A collection contains 0..n things of the same type.
- gavo.dm.common._AttributeGroupAnnotation:
An internal base class for DatatypeAnnotation and ObjectAnnotation.
- basestring:
Type basestring cannot be instantiated; it is the base for str and
- str:
str(object='') -> string
- unicode:
unicode(object='') -> unicode object unicode(string[, encoding[,
errors]]) -> unicode object
- psycopg2.extensions.connection:
connection(dsn, ...) -> new connection object
- psycopg2.extensions.cursor:
A database cursor.
- dict:
dict() -> new empty dictionary
dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
(key, value) pairs
dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
d = {}
for k, v in iterable:
d[k] = v
dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
in the keyword argument list.
- float:
float(x) -> floating point number
- int:
int(x=0) -> int or long int(x, base=10) -> int or long
- gavo.utils.plainxml.iterparse:
iterates over start, data, and end events in source.
- list:
list() -> new empty list list(iterable) -> new list
initialized from iterable's items
- gavo.utils.codetricks.memoizedMethod:
a trivial memoizing decorator for instance methods.
- gavo.votable.paramval.PrimitiveAnnotatedColumn.original
- set:
set() -> new empty set object set(iterable) -> new set object
- nevow.loaders.stan:
A stan tags document factory
- type:
type(object) -> the object's type type(name, bases, dict) ->
a new type